Spiritual Fitness

"Spiritual fitness seeks to answer important questions in life, the big questions like 'What's my purpose, what do I believe,'" said Chaplain (Capt.) Thomas Fussell, 354th Fighter Wing protestant chaplain. "Questions like those operate our daily lives and our beliefs; those beliefs in our heart of hearts will come out in our behaviors naturally.....Life happens and all that stuff tends to sit on us and we have to get it out somehow," said Fussell. "When we get the concerns and cares off of us, then we can be more focused, we can be more efficient and effective at what we do."


Welcome to my blog. Yes this is all about me... and maybe about you and things in your life.I am new at this so I will teach you patience and endurance... hopefully a laugh along the way. I will try to make following me as easy as possible.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Everyone has an opinion about Mental illness

... and, sadly, some don't even come close to helping.  I write this blog not for me only but in hopes it helps others and families understand.  Eventually I will probably bore you with what I do, go through and wish I could fix.  The one thing I think those without mental illness and those that do, have in common is that neither can go into a mall and scream at the top of their lungs just to let out frustration.  We both end up in the same place.... usually bars are involved.  And no that what some consider fun places.

You will find mistakes in my blogs because well one of the things I go through is it is hard for me to concentrate.  And in complete acceptance of myself, I say too bad... let my imperfection shine.

Below is yet another post from a Therapist that I want to share.  He also has a website that should show at the end of the post.  I say should because people SHOULD be able to post comments on here but for some reason I can't get it to work.  Oh happy days when someone feels pity for me and says, "HEY!  BOZO  ( How they know how big my nose is I don't know)!  You do it like this... speaking to me like a 3 year old and then patting my head.

Here it is.....

From a Therapist: 5 things you don't understand about depression
Depression is one of the most common mental health difficulties in America. But despite how common it is, there are still many misunderstanding and misconceptions. Here are 5 that you need to know.

By Aaron Anderson

The recent death of Robin Williams has brought a lot of attention to depression. It's tragic that a beautiful life of laughter such as Robin Williams' could be cut short without it being the result of an accident or chronic illness like cancer.

But the truth is, Robin Williams' death WAS the result of a chronic illness. But instead of it being a more noticeable chronic illness (like cancer) it was the result of less obvious chronic illness called depression.

Many people misunderstand depression. In fact, many people don't even know that depression can be a chronic illness. Despite that depression has been around for ages, there are still many misunderstandings and misperception about depression and those who suffer from it.

So in an effort to help you understand and help those around you who suffer from depression, here are 5 things you probably don't understand about depression:

1) Depression is debilitating

A lot of people think that depression is just really bad sadness. And people think that because it's "just really bad sadness" you should be able to continue with life as you always have until you get over it. But depression isn't the same "everyday sadness" that comes and goes.

Depression is different from regular sadness because it is debilitating. In other words, it keeps people from being able to live the life they want to live. In fact, The World Health Organization has identified depression as the fourth leading cause of disability around the world and projects it to be the second leading cause by 2020.

2) Depression is common

In a recent study, it was discovered that approximately 10 percent of the U.S. suffers from depression. And that number is growing by 20 percent each year. That means that one out of every ten people you know has some sort of depression. And you'll likely know more and more people who have depression over time.

3) Depression isn't caused by a chemical imbalance

In fact, nobody really knows what causes depression. The National Institute of Mental Health states that, "Most likely, depression is caused by a combination of genetic, biological, environmental, and psychological factors." Because it's not specifically known what causes depression, it can be difficult to treat. It's also difficult to prevent. As a result, it can't be cured simply with medication(s) or with psychotherapy. Because there are many complex factors behind depression, sometimes the treatment is complex, too.

4) You don't just get over depression

Because many people think depression is caused by a chemical imbalance, a lot of people also think that you get over depression just like you get over a cold. After all, if depression is caused by a chemical imbalance, you just have to wait for your body to correct itself.

The truth is, many people who struggle with depression struggle with it for a long time. In fact, if you have depression once, you're 50 percent more likely to have depression at least one more time in your life. Often, the treatment for depression isn't a one-time solution, either. It's often a mix of ongoing medication and psychotherapy to make sure it doesn't come back.

5) Depression isn't for sissies

A lot of people think that it's only the weak or feeble who get depression. But the truth is, many great people have had depression including Abraham Lincoln, Emily Dickinson, J.K. Rowling, Terry Bradshaw, Daryl Strawberry and Robin Williams just to name a few.

These 5 things aren't the only misunderstandings people have about depression, but they are some of the most common ones. Knowing these misunderstandings can help you in case you ever experience depression.

Most importantly, knowing these 5 misunderstandings can help you be more empathetic to those who suffer from depression. It can also help you as you try to help others who are suffering from depression. It will help them have a safe place to talk about their difficulties and give them a shoulder to lean on when they need it. And most important of all, you may be able to offer them shelter from a storm of misunderstanding.

Aaron Anderson

Aaron Anderson is a therapist and owner of The Marriage and Family Clinic in Denver, CO. He is a writer, speaker and relationship expert.
Website:  http://blog.themarriageandfamilyclinic.com


  1. This is a test comment to see if Pat can delete it.

    1. Funny HARHARHAR! Now go back into your cage.lol


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